Dr. Rizwan Hamid

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Urology | 25 years of experience | Speaks English, Urdu, Basic Arabic

Areas of Expertise:

  • Urinary incontinence - both males and females
  • Bladder dysfunction
  • Urodynamics
  • +more
work very hard - then work some more

Rizwan is an accomplished urologist from UCLH, London with extensive clinical and management experience at various levels.

After contributing to the success of KCH Dubai in different management roles including CMO, he is currently working as Chief Governance Officer at KCH Jeddah leading on the implementation of our Quality Framework in line with the UK standards across all aspects of Hospital operations.

He has widely published and is a recognised international expert in his field. He is regularly invited to share his experiences at international forums. He has sat on various governing boards of international organisations and been part of developing clinical standards and guidelines that benefit patients across the UK and beyond.  He holds a MD from UCL.

MBBS, Quaid Azam University, Islamabad, 1990 FRCS (Edinburgh) November 1998
FRCS (Urol) November 2007
Fellowship in Functional & NeuroUrology, Institute of Urology, London, 2007-2009
CCT (Urology) June 2009
MD (Res) London 2013

MOH, KSA, Consultant Urologist, 2024
General Medical Council UK Specialist Register, Urology, 2009

I have more than 125 publications in peer reviewed journals and regularly invited to contribute review articles. Some fo the recent ones are: 1.Results at 1 Year from SATURN, A European, Prospective, Multicenter Registry for Male Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery.
Heesakkers J, Martens F, Thiruchelvam N, Witjes W, Caris C, Kats J, Hamid R, Van der Aa F; EAU Research Foundation SATURN Study Group.Eur Urol Focus. 2024 Apr 15

2. Summary of the 2024 Update of the European Association of Urology Guidelines on Neurourology.
Sartori AM, Kessler TM, Castro-Díaz DM, de Keijzer P, Del Popolo G, Ecclestone H, Frings D, Groen J, Hamid R, Karsenty G, Musco S, Padilla-Fernández B, Pannek J, Schouten N, van der Vorm A, Blok BFM.Eur Urol. 2024 Jun;85(6):543-555

3. SATURN: A European, Prospective, Multicenter Registry for Male Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery.
Martens F, Heesakkers J, Van der Aa F, Thiruchelvam N, Witjes W, Caris C, Kats J, Hamid R; EAU Research Foundation SATURN Registry Study Group.Eur Urol Open Sci. 2023 Oct 6;57:91-97.

4. One treatment with onabotulinumtoxinA relieves symptoms of overactive bladder in patients refractory to one or more oral medications.
Farrelly E, Hamid R, Lorenzo-Gomez MF, Schulte-Baukloh H, Yu J, Patel A, Nelson M.Neurourol Urodyn. 2023 Aug;42(6):1203-1213

5. Neuro-Urology: Call for Universal, Resource-Independent Guidance.
Werneburg GT, Welk B, Averbeck MA, Blok BFM, Hamid R, Kennelly MJ, Liao L, Musco S, Vasudeva P, Kessler TM.Biomedicines. 2023 Jan 29;11(2):397.

6. Botulinum toxin A injection to the external urethral sphincter for voiding dysfunction in females: A tertiary center experience.
Nadeem M, Lindsay J, Pakzad M, Hamid R, Ockrim J, Greenwell T.Neurourol Urodyn. 2022 Nov;41(8):1793-1799

7.Definitions of Urinary Tract Infection Used in Interventional Studies Involving Neurourological Patients-A Systematic Review.
Sartori AM, Padilla-Fernández B, ‘t Hoen L, Blok BFM, Castro-Díaz DM, Del Popolo G, Musco S, Hamid R, Ecclestone H, Groen J, Karsenty G, Phé V, Kessler TM, Pannek J.Eur Urol Focus. 2022 Sep;8(5):1386-1398

8. Intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA injections in patients on antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy.
Mensah EE, Toia B, Nguyen L, Hamid R, Pakzad M, Ockrim JL, Walker R, Greenwell TJ, Nitkunan T, Sharma D, Seth JH.Neurourol Urodyn. 2021 Sep;40(7):1829-1833
9. British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) consensus document: management of bladder and ureteric injury.
Sahai A, Ali A, Barratt R, Belal M, Biers S, Hamid R, Harding C, Parkinson R, Reid S, Thiruchelvam N; Section of Female, Neurological, Urodynamic Urology, British Association of Urological Surgeons.BJU Int. 2021 Nov;128(5):539-547

10. Functional outcomes of vaginal surgery for urethral extrusion of mid-urethral tape in women.
Toia B, Unterberg S, Sihra N, Pakzad M, Hamid R, Ockrim JL, Greenwell TJ.Int Urogynecology J. 2022 Aug;33(8):2251-2256

11. British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) and Nurses (BAUN) consensus document: management of the complications of long-term indwelling catheters.
Reid S, Brocksom J, Hamid R, Ali A, Thiruchelvam N, Sahai A, Harding C, Biers S, Belal M, Barrett R, Taylor J, Parkinson R.BJU Int. 2021 Dec;128(6):667-677

12. Prevalence of chronic pain following suburethral mesh sling implantation for post-prostatectomy incontinence.
MacAskill F, Sheimar K, Toia B, Sri D, Seth J, Sharma D, Hamid R, Greenwell T, Ockrim J, Taylor C, Malde S, Sahai A.Neurourol Urodyn. 2021 Apr;40(4):1048-1055

13. British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) consensus document: Management of female voiding dysfunction.
Biers SM, Harding C, Belal M, Thiruchelvam N, Hamid R, Sahai A, Parkinson R, Barratt R, Ali A, Reid S; BAUS Section of Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology.BJU Int. 2022 Feb;129(2):151-159

14. Shifting the treatment paradigm in idiopathic overactive bladder.
Sahai A, Belal M, Hamid R, Toozs-Hobson P, Granitsiotis P, Robinson D.Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Apr;75(4):e13847.

15. A retrospective review of the long term clinical outcomes of patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction following transverse myelitis.
Knight SL, Riley C, Wagh Y, Lee F, Shah J, Hamid R.Neurourol Urodyn. 2021 Jan;40(1):219-227

1. European Association of Urology,
2. International Continence Society
I have served on the Boards of the following societies – Society of Female & Functional Urology of European Association of Urology
Section of Female & Functional Urology of British Association of Urological Surgeons
Standardization Steering Committee of International Continence Society
Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of International Continence Society
Pan Arab Continence Society

  • Neuro-urology - all bladder problems after any neurological disease
  • Urinary incontinence - both males and females
  • Bladder dysfunction
  • Urodynamics