Dr. Khourshed M. Tewfik MD

Cosultant Pediatrics Pulmonologist

Pulmonology | 24 years of experience | Speaks English, Arabic

Areas of Expertise:

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"Believe you can and you're half-way there"

Been consutlant pediatrics and pediatric pulmonologist for the last 24 years at King Fahad Armed forces Hospital Jeddah

Certified Arab Board in Pediatrics April 1995

Evaluation Examination September 1992
Medical Council of Canada

Certificate in Research Methodology April 1992
State of Bahrain College of Health Sciences

Diploma in Child Health (DCH) September 1991
Royal College of Physicians in Ireland
And Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Certificate in Medical Management of November 1990
Chemical Casualties
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense

Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MB, ChB) March 1988
Faculty of Medicine, King Abdul Aziz University, Jedda

First author. The study was presented at the annual meeting of the pulmonary and thoracic society of Quebec October 1999 Montreal, Canada.

Necrotizing Pneumonia: A Case Report on a Rare Complication of
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia
Rotana Hammad 1, Khourshed Tewfik 1, Shahinaz Munshi2, Mohammed Felemban3 Departments of 1Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine and 2Pediatric Allergy/Immunology, King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital,

Saudi Thoracic Soceity American Thoracic Society