The anatomy of anorectal musculature in normal and in Anorectal anomalies. Said HM, Shaker M, El Dessouky ME.
The proceeding book of the 4 th congress of the Arab Association of Pediatric Surgeons
October 1993, 61-75
The anatomy of anorectal musculature in normal and in anorectal anomalies. Said H; El Sahwi E; Shaker M
The Surgeon 2005 June; Vol 03. No3:107 (As an abstracts).
Ten years experience of thyroid surgery in pediatric age group. Said H; El Sahwi E; Mashali N.
The surgeon 2005 June; Vol 03. No3:107 (As an abstract).
Well leg compartment syndrome following penetrating abdominal trauma D. lui, S. Boran, H Said, E. Fogarty, M. Corbally Injury Extra March 2007
Transhepatic central venous catheter long-term access in pediatric patients Alan Mortell, Hanan Said, Kevin Walsh, Martin Corbally JPS Volum 43, issue2, pages 344-47 (February 2008)
Two Chapters in Basic Surgical Technique in Pediatric Surgery book released in
March 2013.
Closure of Recurrent Urethro-vaginal Fistula in a girl with Cloacal anomaly Using
Deflux Injection, Eur J Ped Sur Rep 2018;6:e52-e55
Efficacy and Clinical Outcome of Bleomycin in Treatment of Lymphangiomas: A
Multicenter Experience, Bawazir, Osama A. MD, FRCSC *,† ; Bawazir, Razan MS ‡ ;
Bawazir, Abdullah MS ‡ ; Kausar, Nadeem MD † ; Said, Hanan FRCSI §
Dermatologic Surgery: July 2021 – Volume 47 – Issue 7 – p 948-952 doi:
Single Port Laparoscopic-Assisted Ovarian Cystectomy using Optical Forceps in
Select Neonates; a brief technical report Ann Pediatric Surg 18, 43 (2022).
Furuncular cutaneous myiasis in Saudi Arabia Aisha O. Gabra , Yasmine Shafik , Hanan Said
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2022-09-01, Volume 84, Article 102362;
Outcome and Morbidity of Liver Surgery in Children: A Single Centre, 47-year Experience
Hind Zaidan; Hanan Said; Alan Mortell; Abdulrahman AlShafei; Finn
Breatnach; Nigel Heaton; Martin Corbally Annals of Pediatric Surgery, accepted to Annals pediatric surgery.
In process of finalize the 1 st book about history in pediatric surgery part 1, Ancient
Egyptian medicine in Children.