Dr. Fahad G. Attar

Orthopaedic Sports & Arthroplasty Consultant

Orthopaedics | 15 years of experience | Speaks English, Urdu

Areas of Expertise:

  • Knee and Shoulder Replacements
  • Cartilage Reconstruction Procedures
  • Patient Specific Knee Replacements
  • +more
"Never give up! Never compromise!"

Dr. Fahad G. Attar is a distinguished consultant surgeon in Trauma & Orthopaedics, specializing in lower limb arthroplasty, knee and shoulder sports reconstruction, arthroscopic surgery, and regenerative therapies. He is board certified and fellowship trained from world-renowned centers in Canada and the UK, focusing on knee reconstruction surgery, sports medicine, and joint preservation surgery.

Dr. Attar has developed expertise in managing young adult arthritis, cartilage injuries, and sports-related injuries in the knee and shoulder. He adopts innovative, evidence-based biological therapy options that leverage the body’s healing potential to treat joint pain and sports injuries, thus helping to delay or avoid major surgeries. His approach prioritizes patient-driven results and outcomes (PROMS), and he is recognized for performing patient-specific knee replacements, robotic surgery for osteoarthritis, ligament reconstructions such as ACL reconstructions, and cartilage reconstruction procedures. He is also proficient in routine shoulder arthroscopic procedures and is noted for his pioneering work in patient-specific knee resurfacing and meniscal transplant surgery in Saudi Arabia.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Attar is passionate about education and training, serving as a tutor and facilitator in orthopaedic training courses for over a decade. He is an ATLS instructor and has held examiner roles for medical students at the Universities of Liverpool and Leicester in the UK, as well as the University of Toronto in Canada. His contributions to orthopaedics extend to speaking engagements at international meetings and symposiums.

Dr. Attar’s research involvement spans his training and fellowship years, resulting in numerous peer-reviewed publications and presentations at national and international conferences. His commitment to advancing orthopaedic knowledge and practice continues to influence the field profoundly.

Currently on the UK International Emergency Trauma Register (UKIETR) (October 2012)

CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, GMC, UK (February 2011)

ATLS Instructor, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London (July 2010)

FRCS (Tr & Orth), Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England, UK (May 2009)

MRCS (Ed), Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK (January 2003)

MBChB Degree, Liverpool University, UK (June 1999)

MOH KSA License to practise, 2019

MOH UAE License to practise, 2015

CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, GMC, UK, February 2011
Master degree in clinical Oncology, 1996

MBBCH , 1992

Fahad G. Attar & Talal Ibrahim (2011). ‘Succeeding in the FRCS T&O Part 1 Exam: MCQ Revision Questions in Trauma and Orthopaedics’, London, BPP Learning Media.

‘Simultaneous peri-articular femoral osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty for treatment of osteoarthritis associated with a severe valgus deformity of >450’ F G Attar, M Drexler, N Reischl, D J Ng, J C Cameron. MOJ Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, July 2014 (accepted for publication)

‘Total knee arthroplasty in patients with excessive external tibial torsion > 450 and patella instability – Surgical technique and long term follow up’ M. Drexler, T. Dwyer, M. Marmor, N. Reischl, F.G. Attar, J.C.Cameron. 2012 Nov 8. pii: S0883-5403(12)00581-5. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2012.08.012. [Epub ahead of print]

‘Radiological Outcomes following simultaneous 1st and 5th metatarsal osteotomies’ M. Hadi, F. Attar, R. Shariff, G.S. Attar Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation, Volume 16, Issue 2 , Pages 59-61, December 2012

‘Hip Conversion: Don’t Promise Too Much’ M. Drexler, N. Reischl, T. Dwyer, F.G. Attar, D.J. Ng, H. Cameron. Seminars in Arthroplasty, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 176-178, September 2012.

‘Comparison of cement pressurisation in flanged and unflanged acetabular cups’ F. Attar, R. Bhattacharya, S. Green, A. Port. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2012, 7:5

‘Foot pressure comparison between hallux rigidus patients with normal asymptomatic matched individuals using pedobarograph: our early results’ M. Hadi, A. Alani, F. Attar, A. Adedepo, Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation, Volume 16, Issue 1 , Pages 13-15, June 2012

‘The effect of Total Knee Arthroplasty on body mass index – a prospective study’ R. Shariff, F.G. Attar, M. Manickham, A. Wainwright, M. McNicholas. Journal Of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation, Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2011

‘How good are orthopaedic surgeons at assessing ECGs?’R. Shariff, S.G. Attar, F.G. Attar. Journal Of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation, Volume 14, Issue 2, December 2010

‘Does chevron osteotomy affect the blood supply to the first metatarsal head?’, R Shariff, F. Attar, S. Vinjamuri, R. Siddiqi, G. Attar, Acta Orthop. Belg. 2009, 75, 234-238.

‘Survival analysis at 15 years of cemented Press-Fit Condylar Total Knee Arthroplasty’ Fahad G. Attar, Fu-Meng Khaw, Lorna M.G. Kirk, Paul J. Gregg, The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 331-488, April 2008.

‘Perioperative changes in the microcirculation in feet following foot and ankle surgery’, F. Attar, D. Machin, D. Selvan, R. Shariff, N.P. Geary. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Volume 46, Number 4, July/August 2007.

‘Comparison of the caliper method and two dimensional computer software to measure polyethylene wear after total hip arthroplasty’, V. Kumar, F. Attar, P. Savvidis, J. Anderson. European Journal of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, Volume 16, Number 3/September, 2006.

‘Long term follow up of patients with Reginald’s osteotomy for hallux valgus’ F. Attar, U. Nagare, R. Asirvatham, (Accepted for publication by Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma & Rehabilitation, Feb 2012)

‘Comparing predictability of survival between ISS and NISS’, M.U. Saleem, N. Yousaf, F. Attar and R. Deshmukh. Injury Extra, Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 110-11.

‘Correlating different parameters and scoring systems with the probability of survival in trauma patients’, N. Yousaf, M.U. Saleem, B. Sheraz, F. Attar and R. Deshmukh. Injury Extra, Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 109-110.

‘Ottawa guidelines for ankle and foot injuries’, Dr. M. N. Hadi, Mr. F. G. Attar. International Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2006; 4:3.

‘Compare and predict probability of survival between ISS and NISS’, Dr. U. Saleem, Dr. N. Yousuf, Mr. F. G. Attar, Mr. R. Deshmukh. International Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2006; 4:3.

‘Foot pressure study using the pedobarograph : Comparison of normal subjects with Hallux Rigidus and metatarsalgia’, Mr. F. Attar, Mr. V. Kumar, Mr. G. Akra, Mr. K. Rome, Mr. A. Adedapo. J Bone Joint Surg Br Orthopaedic Proceedings, 2006 88-B: 275-276.

‘Assessment of polyethylene wear in total hip arthroplasty: A comparitive study of computer software versus Livermore method’, Mr. V. Kumar, Mr. F. Attar, Mr. P. Savvidis, Mr. J. Anderson. J Bone Joint Surg Br Orthopaedic Proceedings, 2006 88-B: 276.

‘The relationship between the Injury Severity Score and the Revised Trauma Score with the probability of survival for our trauma patients and how this compares with the predicted relationship’, Mr. F. Attar, Mr. P. Simms. Injury Extra (online).

‘Probability of survival in trauma patients: is there a need for change in the variables used for calculation? Mr. F. Attar, Mr. P. Simms. Injury Extra (online).

‘Perioperative assessment of microcirculation in feet’, Mr. F. Attar, Dr. R. Shariff, Dr. D. Selvan, Dr. D. Machin, Mr. N. Geary. J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings, Sep 2005; 87-B: 373.

10. ‘Assess the correlation between the expected outcome and the actual outcome of trauma patients using the ISS scoring system’, Mr. F. Attar, Mr. P. Simms. European Journal of Trauma Supplement, 30 (1): pg 68; May 2004.

‘Assessing documentation of vital observations in management of trauma victims’, Mr. F. Attar, Mr. P. Simms. European Journal of Trauma Supplement, 30 (1): pg 69; May 2004.


‘The thrill of the chase’, Mr. F. Attar. Surgeons News (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), June 2004.

‘Break into Orthopaedics – Part I’, Mr. F. Attar. Surgeons News (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), October 2004.

‘Break into Orthopaedics – Part II’, Mr. F. Attar. Surgeons News (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), December 2004.

‘Break into Orthopaedics – Part III’, Mr. F. Attar. Surgeons News (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), December 2004.

‘Break into Orthopaedics – Part IV’, Mr. F. Attar. Surgeons News (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), March 2005.

International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS)

  • Knee and Shoulder Replacements
  • Cartilage Reconstruction Procedures
  • Patient Specific Knee Replacements
  • Knee Resurfacing Procedures for Cartilage Defects
  • Trochleoplasties and De-Totation Tibial Osteotomies for Anterior Knee Pain and Patella-Femoral Instability
  • Meniscal Transplants – Using Biosynthetic Grafts and Allografts to Reconstruct and Reconstitute Meniscal Tissue
  • Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repairs, Anterior Stabilisations and Shoulder Replacement Surgery.