Dr. Ahmed Refae MD,Msc, MBBCh

Consultant, Clinical Oncology

Oncology | 31 years of experience | Speaks English, Arabic

Areas of Expertise:

  • Adult Oncology
  • Solid tumors
  • Lymphomas
  • +more
"The only disability in life is a bad attitude."

Dr. Ahmed Refae is a consultant in Clinical Oncology for adults, with over 30 years of experience in the field. He began his career as an associate professor at Ain Shams University before relocating to Saudi Arabia 17 years ago, where he has worked in various governmental and private hospitals. Dr. Refae is deeply involved in research, participating in multicenter international randomized clinical trials, and has authored numerous publications.

Believing that the best learning comes through teaching, Dr. Refae actively engages in the scientific community as a speaker and presenter at both national and international conferences. His dedication extends beyond patient care to fostering education and advancing oncology research.

MD, Clinical Oncology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (1996-2002)

Master’s Degree, Clinical Oncology, Ain Shams University, Cairo (1993-1996)

Medical School, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (1985-1992)

MOH KSA license to Practice, 2023

A phase II study of cisplatin as radiosensitizer during standard radiotherapy for high grade gliomas, followed by lomustine based chemotherapy. Abdel Karim k., Lotfy A., Refae A., Elhusseiny K., Soud K. The Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery, Jun, 2006.

Brain metastases in breast cancer patients; one week versus two weeks whole brain radiotherapy; prognostic factors assessment. Refae A., Sharaf OM., Awad M., Saoud K. The Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery, Jan 2008.

Gemcitabine with oxaliplatin(GEMOX)in metastatic carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP). Refae AA., Fouad IM., Abdel Karim KM., Farag AL., Elhusseiny KN. Kasr Al Aini Medical Journal , jun., 2007.

Induction cisplatin and weekly paclitaxel followed by radiotherapy and concurrent weekly cisplatin in loco-regionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Refae AA., El-Kady MS., Farag AL., El-Ghazaly HA., Abdel karim NN., Sharaf OM., Shehata M. Scientific Journal of al-Azhar Medical College girls.2007.

One year low dose oral etoposide as maintenance therapy in patients With advanced ovarian carcinoma after clinical complete response to platinum and paclitaxel chemotherapy. El-husseiny K., Refae A., Farag AL., Elghazaly H., Alebeisy H Scientific Journal of al-Azhar Medical College girls. Jan 2008.

Cisplatin with Gemcitabine as Induction and Concomitant Chemotherapy with Radiotherapy for Stage IIIA/B Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Refae A. Kasr Al Aini Medical Journal , jun., 2008.

Concomitant Radiochemotherapy with Low Dose Gemcitabine Versus Sequential Radiotheray and High Dose Gemcitabine in Locally Advanced Unresectable Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas. Abdul-Aziz H., Abdul-Wahab SA., Abdullah HM., Azmy AM., Refae AA. Scientific Journal of al-Azhar Medical College girls.Jan 2008.

Phase II study of adjuvant capecitabine/oxaliplatin for stage III colo-rectal cancer. Kandil MS, Ammar F., Saadeddin AA., Murshid EM., Refae AA., Asiri MA., Zahrani AM. (abstract) 09-AB-31757-ASCOAM

Integration of irinotecan and cisplatin with early concurrent conventional radiotherapy for limited-disease SCLC (LD-SCLC). Abdelwahab S., Abdulla H., Azmy A., Abdelfatah A., Abdel Aziz H., Margerges M., Riad A., Sharma V., Dwedar I. Int J Clin Oncol (2009)14:230-236.

Single Fraction versus multifraction radiotherapy in treatment of patients with metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC): Functional Outcome. Abdelwahab S,Abdulla H, Abdel-Aziz H,Azmy A,Refae A,Jeremic B, Sharma V, Moftah S, and Lotfy T. American Journal of clinical oncology, Volume 32, Number1, February 2009 (abstract).

Induction chemotherapy with vinorelbine / cisplatin followed by Docetaxel with concurrent radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Abdelwahab S, Azmy A, Riad A, Abdulla H, Abdel-Aziz H, Margerges M, Refae A, Dewdar I, Sharma V, and Stojkovski I. American Journal of clinical Volume 32, Number1, February 2009 (abstract).

Protracted Adjuvant Temozolomide in Glioblastoma Multiforme. Ahmed A. Refae, Ahmed Ezzat, Dina Ahmed Salem, Mervat Mahrous.  Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2015, 6, 748-758. doi: 10.4236/jct.2015.68082.

A retrospective study of reirradiation for patients with locoregional recurrent
head and neck cancer: A single-institution experience. Dina Salem, Ahmed E. Essa, Azza M. Adel, Ahmed A. Refaa. Res. Oncol. Vol. 12, No. 1, Jun. 2016:2-9

Extended adjuvant endocrine therapy in early breast cancer: a meta-analysis of published randomized trials Med Oncol (2017) 34: 131.

Checkpoint Inhibitors for Previously Treated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Ibrahim EM, Refae AA, Bayer AM, Al-Masri OA, Eldahna WM, et al Ann Cancer Res Therap. 2019; 1:102.

Genomic Profiling for Patients with Solid Tumors: A Single-Institution Experience Ezzeldin M. Ibrahim*, Wesal M. Eldahna, Ahmed A. Refae, Ali M. Bayer, Osama A. Al-Masri, Rafat I. AbuShakra, Nasir A. Saleem and Ibrahim Mansoor. Annals of Clinical Oncology. ACO.2019.02.04

Checkpoint Inhibitors in the First-Line Setting in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. Ibrahim EM, Refae AA, Bayer AM, Al-Masri OA, Eldahna WM, et al. J Cancer Sci. 2019;6(1): 14.

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors as maintenance treatment in patients with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer: A meta-analysis. Ibrahim EM, Refae AA, Bayer AM, Sagr ER FutureOncology 16 (12), Mar, 2020

Ongoing Clinical Trials: I am one of the Primary investigator in 3 ongoing phase III

international multicenter clinical trials; Destiny-Breast 06, Destiny- Breast 09, and Destiny- breast 11.

Adult Clinical Oncology

  • Adult Oncology
  • Solid tumors
  • Lymphomas